Thursday, April 29, 2010

Experiments and Exercises

Today we were both feeling kind of crummy. So we went on a run. Bad idea. It didn't help.
I'll tell you what did help. Putting Julie and Julia on and experimenting making chicken and dumplings. It was so yummy! Like a chicken noodle soup. and it was very therapeutic to just go in the kitchen and cook. Especially after a long hard day at work. Whoever decided to have 8 hour days of working is insane. Maybe its just my job. I love it and I hate it. I can do all the homework I want because all I am doing is monotonous repetitive work. But it is repetitive, monotonous work and it wears me out a ton.
So I love it and I hate it. I'll keep it around though. I really like being able to do all my reading homework during work.

So after experimenting with making Chicken and Dumplings, Adam set me down for a nap. We watched Treasure Planet and I remember the first 2 minutes of it before I crashed. I awoke to some chocolate chips and Adam decided to do a workout on our Bosu ball. He didn't know it was a tough workout. I'm telling you, if you want a great workout for your core and legs, use a bosu. It magnifies your workout by double. So good. So good.

and No, that is not me. Just one of the many things you can do with a bosu. I highly recommend one!

We are now ending the day a little lazily watching Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles and playing a little Warcraft. Good finish to a long day.

Wednesday, April 28, 2010


So as most people would probably say... It's about time! Hop onto the bandwagon and start your family's blog! But hey, I figure it's a good way to keep in touch with everyone. Especially since my family decided that they wanted to get up and move to India this summer. Crazy people!

So Adam and I have been married for 4 months now. It's really weird to think that's a third of a year. It has seemed a lot shorter than that, but longer at the same time. It's lots of fun though!

Lets see if I can sum up the last four months really quickly...

We went on our honeymoon to California! Right back to the roots of where Adam proposed! If you don't know that story, Adam flew me to Disneyland and proposed in front of the castle at midnight. Ahhh the hopeless romantic I married.

Disneyland... It was really crazy. Don't ever go at Christmas if you can manage it. There were people everywhere. And then there was the music... Even after Christmas, they still played Christmas music and it started getting really old very quickly. But it was still so fun! Our favorite was probably when we went to California Adventures. We had so much fun just looking around and taking pictures! Then we went to toon town, and somehow got stuck in this ridiculously long line waiting to see Mickey. So we took a picture!

One of the days that we were there, we got to go to a Pirate Dinner Adventure! It was super cool! We bought hats and we got dinner and drinks and watched a pirate show. I LOVED IT. Funny story with that... Adam and I tried to take the bus to the pirate show, but it took us to a different city (about 3 miles away from where we were supposed to be) So what did we do? Of course, we ran there! It only took us 30 minutes... but we arrived very red faced and barely made it in time! Still so so fun!!

Then we came home and got to school... Things happened... like I made dinner! And then our sink broke one time and I had to do the dishes in the tub. That was fun. Not. But that's ok, at least now I have the experience.

Adam is so creative! He always comes up with the best dates :)
One of the dates we went on, we went to the DI and got cowboy/cowgirl clothes, dressed up and went to the Outback Steakhouse for dinner! So fun! We got lots of weird looks. I think they just thought it was weird that we were dressed up like hicks at an Australian grill place. Oh well!

Then there is always Adam and I working out... and Adam making me a coconut smoothie! Opening coconuts are hard! We ended up using a hammer... make sure you get a ripe one!

I love my life. I love being married to Adam! He makes me so happy! We have had lots of good times in the last four months. And more fun times will come! lately our fun times have included but have not been limited to:
Old Disney movies (fox and the hound, Pinocchio, etc)
Starting Spring semester
more P90X
Learning how to play Halo (for me)
Super Nintendo games
Lots and lots of yummy experimental recipes--Wheat banana bread is delicious!