Monday, November 22, 2010

Oh Christmas Tree...

Today we bought our christmas tree! Wow was it crazy or what. I'll tell you about it.

First we have that GIANT bean bag in our living room that made it impossible to put the tree in the living room with it. So we rolled that bean bag through the small hallway, SQUEEZED it into the exercise room and voila! it fits!
We went to the Home Depot and we found the perfect little tree! its like 5 feet tall and we have named him Spruce Willis (cuz he's kind of bald on the top)
We squished it into our car  (we had to drive home with one of the windows down) and then brought it into our living room and after going to the DI we got a lovely little tree skirt and stand for it. Then we went to Honks and bought some cute dollar store ornaments for it! now all we need is christmas lights and we'll be all set to go!

Here are some cute pics of our first ever christmas tree!

Day 5

Are we really on day five already? Oh goodness. I guess we're up to favorite quotes. This one was really hard because adam and I quote things all the time. I think our favorite probably is from So I Married an Axe Murderer. It says...

Stuart Mackenzie: Well, it's a well known fact, Sonny Jim, that there's a secret society of the five wealthiest people in the world, known as the Pentavirate, who run everything in the world, including the newspapers, and meet tri-annually at a secret country mansion in Colorado, known as The Meadows.
Tony Giardino: So who's in this Pentavirate?
Stuart Mackenzie: The Queen, the Vatican, the Gettys, the Rothschilds, and Colonel Sanders before he went tets-up. Oh, I hated the Colonel with is wee beady eyes! And that smug look on his face, "Oh, you're gonna buy my chicken! Ohhhhh!"
So good. SO good.

Sunday, November 21, 2010

Oh the weather outside is frightful!

Guess what! We woke up this morning to a nice blanket of snow! We are so excited for the holidays. Bring on the turkey!

Day 4

Time for favorite books!

We both obviously love the Book of Mormon. But there are other books that I love.
Harry Potter for one. I love all the harry potter books!
Other fun fantasy books like that are also some of my favorites.

However my favorite favorite book is The Alchemist by Paolo Cohelo! So so so good. If you haven't read it, I highly suggest it!

Saturday, November 20, 2010

Day 3

Jessica's favorite TV show is the Biggest Loser. hands down.

Adam loves Firefly and 24!

Day two!

Favorite Movies:

We have lots of favorite movies! Its hard to pick a favorite... but if we had to pick one of our favorites we would have to say... probably

Batman Begins!

Thursday, November 18, 2010

Day one of the blog bandwagon

Ok so I guess the first day you're supposed to post a recent pic and fifteen interesting facts about yourself...

I'll have to put the picture up later.

So facts it is!
1. Adam and I met on a blind date
2. Adam loves salty things and I love sweet things
3. Adam proposed in front of the Disneyland Castle at midnight!
4. We are both the second youngest child in our families
5. I am a certified personal trainer
6. Adam is in the information systems program at BYU
7. I love photography even though I am not very good at it
8. Adam and I love to do P90X together
9. I have a stuffed monkey collection and all of the monkeys are named George in some language or another
10. My parents are currently living in India

It was hard enough thinking of ten so I'm going to stop there :)

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

It's been a while....

It's been a really long time. I guess I am really bad at this. BUT I figured I would be. So live and learn and hopefully this time I'll get better huh?

Adam has been super busy with school. I swear its like I don't have any homework at all and Adam doesn't have a single night when he isn't doing three hours of homework. So generally, we both walk home, he starts homework and I go to the gym... for several hours... and then come home and he's still doing homework. So i cook dinner. And then watch an episode of the Biggest Loser... and he's STILL doing homework! Sheesh! I am in my second to last semester and am stressing when I have like a three page paper to write and here's adam writing a thirty (yes, I said 30) page paper. Woe is me, right? I can't complain around him. But then again, what do i have to complain about?

We signed up for classes! That was a lot more exciting for me than it was for adam. He's just taking his envelope for his second semester of I-Sys. Me? I'm taking functional anatomy, obesity and weight management, living prophets, sports nutrition, substance abuse and addictive behavior and floral design (which I am SO excited for!!). 17 credits and then i am graduating!!!

Recents: I applied for a job at 24 hour fitness as a trainer. No news yet. but hopefully they'll let me know soon! if not, then I am looking into another one :)

I am in stress management and can I tell you that trying those relaxation techniques can be really awkward?? your hand is heavy and warm. You feel your muscles relax... all i feel is a little strange and silly lying on my bed listening to you say these things. If I didn't have to try out six different ones, I would just stick with yoga because I know that relaxes me. I'll tell you. Nothing is better than after an hour of yoga at the gym and then the last thing they do is the corpse pose and you lay there listening to soft music with your eyes closed... mmm... I am sleepy.

It's getting colder! But it hasn't snowed yet. I am actually kind of looking forward to the snow. And don't tell adam, but I did happen to turn on 100.3 the christmas station and listen to it when I was driving to the grocery store on monday. He would say its a sin cuz its not after thanksgiving yet. But I think since Thanksgiving is a week from TOMORROW.... that i can start listening to christmas music! Whoohoo here comes the holidays!

Props to my wonderful husband. He has spent so much time fixing up my computer for me!!! I have no idea what anything means and when things are problematic and what not... but he sure knows what to do! and out of the love of his heart he spent so much time on the phone with Dell and Microsoft and lo and behold! My laptop is alive again! If i was single, i probably would have been dumb and spent lots of money having other people fix it cuz I don't know what is wrong. But Adam did it all himself and we didn't have to spend a dime! YAY!

Guess its time for me to sign off for now. I promise promise promise I wont go this long without blogging again.

ta ta for now!